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Tax Tips

Tax Tips
#1)  File electronically instead of using paper tax forms. If you file electronically and choose direct deposit, you can receive your refund in as few as 10 days.

#2)  Carefully check the identification numbers - usually Social Security numbers - for each person on the return. Missing, incorrect or illegible Social Security Numbers can delay or reduce a tax refund.

#3)  Mail a payment correctly. Make any check out to "United States Treasury" and enclose it with, but don't attach it to, your return or Form 1040-V, Payment Voucher. Include your Social Security number, daytime phone number, the tax year and the type of form filed.

#4)  Consider an electronic payment. Electronic payments are a convenient, safe and secure way to pay taxes. You can authorize an electronic funds withdrawal, or use a credit card or a debit card. For more information on electronic payment options, visit IRS.gov.

#5)  Go to the homepage of this site for links that will help you find out the status of your refund!

#6)  Mail to the correct address. Use the coded envelope included with your tax package to mail your return. If you did not receive an envelope, check the section called "Where Do You File?" in the tax instruction booklet.

#7)  If you are married, be sure to check with your tax advisor as to which of filing jointly or separately will save you more money.

#8)  Be sure to remember to sign your return. Taxpayers must sign and date their returns. Both spouses must sign a joint return, even if only one had income. Anyone paid to prepare a return must also sign it.

#9)  Keep Those Receipts. If you want to claim a deduction the most important part is : receipts, receipts, receipts.

#10)  Since certain medical expenses are limited to costs over 7.5% of one's income, when doing your tax preparation don't forget to schedule and pay for procedures before December 31 of the tax year the deduction is desired may be beneficial to certain persons.

#11)  Contribute to an IRA - One way you can lower your 2020 tax bill is by contributing to a tax-deductible IRA. You have until April 15 to do so. The maximum you can contribute for 2020 is $6,000 ($7,000 if you're 50 or older).
2614 Hilliard Rome Road
Hilliard, Ohio  43026
ph:  614.771.1090